Separation Anxiety In Dogs

Separation Anxiety In Dogs

Separation anxiety (SA) in dogs is when a dog or puppy panics when left alone. It can be destructive and dangerous, even life-threatening.

Separation anxiety in dogs can occur in puppies and adult dogs.

Before sharing signs of separation anxiety in dogs and tips to help you address it,

I want to share my experience with what I learned
was Berlin’s frustration at being left alone inside

…or more specifically her desire to be outside sunbathing, and not separation anxiety, despite what it may look like in these pictures.

Most Common Symptoms Of SA


Whining/Pacing As You Prepare To Leave Or After You’ve Left


Constant Barking Or Howling While You’re Gone


Desperate & Often Harmful Attempts To Get Out*


Trembling Or Shaking


House Soiling


Sweaty Paw Pads


Appetite Suppression


Dilated Pupils


Panting and/or Drooling

*Destructive behavior as a result of separation anxiety often occurs near doors and windows.
In other words, not all destructive behavior is related to separation anxiety. It might just be frustration intolerance.

What Separation Anxiety In Dogs Isn’t

Separation anxiety in dogs is not mere frustration or boredom that you are gone/they are alone or inability to be obedient. Instead, SA is fear-based.

If your dog is just having accidents or chewing/digging in areas other than by doors and windows or barking/whining, they may have frustration intolerance, not SA. Like children, your dog needs to be taught to properly deal with their frustration.

Tips For Treating Your Dog’s Separation Anxiety


Never correct destruction or accidents after the fact.

Your dog might look guilty when you arrive home, but this is to prevent your wrath, not because they feel bad for tearing your couch to pieces. Instead, the next time you leave they might even be more nervous as they anticipate your angry arrival. Eek!


Make necessary exits and arrivals low-key.

If you make a big deal about coming and going then your dog thinks this is a major event and becomes emotionally overloaded.


Desensitize & counter condition your dog to your exit routine.

Your dog probably knows you’re leaving before you pick up your keys and is already terrified of your imminent departure way before you walk out the door. It’s important to make them feel differently about these signs and signals.


Do not leave your dog alone (until they have been rehabilitated from their separation anxiety).
This will only cause your dog to regress. Bring them to a friend’s place, get a dog-sitter, or take them with you (being careful not to leave them in a car in even moderately warm become greenhouses very quickly) or to daycare. Only if absolutely necessary, leave them alone in another part of your home. In other words, divide your home into two areas.

Area #1 Free Run, Counterconditioning Area.
Room(s) your dog gets to be out and living in with you that is away from windows, which can overstimulate them, especially when you are gone. This is the area you’ll use for counterconditioning and where we’ll want your dog to associate feeling good when you leave. Keep in mind that free run of your entire house might be too stimulating for your dog.

Area #2 Must Be Left Alone Area.
In the instance(s) you must leave your dog alone, secure them in a used part of your home that feels like part of the “den” but where they can’t do much damage* and is not used as Area #1. In other words, if you want your dog to eventually have free run of the downstairs, secure/crate them in a bedroom, not in the unused basement where they will be most afraid (because no one ever lives there). Help them feel more comfortable here by sitting on the floor and reading a magazine, scratching their belly and giving them treats and meals in this place.

Teach Your Dog: Crate = Feeling Good

Remember how I said that separation anxiety in dogs is an emotional response?
To get your dog to like their crate, play the Crate Game. Keep reading.

With a proper treatment plan, most cases of separation anxiety in dogs can be rehabilitated in 6-8 weeks.

Other Considerations When Treating Separation Anxiety In Dogs

Does Your Dog Have Separation Anxiety?

If you’re sure your dog has separation anxiety, your responsibility is to teach your dog a new reaction (aka CER or conditioned emotional response) as you are preparing to leave and when you walk out the door.


Will Another Dog Help?

Possibly…but do you (and your current dog) want another dog? Two dogs are often more than double the work of one. Ask yourself, is your dog anxious about being alone or being away from YOU.


Will Punishments And Corrections Help?

If your dog has separation anxiety and they have destroyed (parts of) your house, no, punishment and corrections won’t work and in fact, might make their condition worse.

Take your justified anger out on something it can’t hurt, tell your dog how terrible they are in a sweet voice, and then create a plan to change their emotional response so they no longer feel anxious when left alone.


Provide Appropriate Chew Toys.

Dogs are naturally inclined to chew. so don’t try to prevent it. Instead provide appropriate things for them to chew on like stuffed (frozen) Kongs, Marrow Bones, and Buster Cubes.

More exercise will NOT prevent or cure separation anxiety but it can protect your home from a bored, frustrated dog.


What About Medications?

These may be a good tool, used in conjunction with counterconditioning if your dog’s health is at risk, but they are not a solution or an easy fix.

Talk to your vet about your options that will help decrease your dog’s anxiety rather than sedate them into silent desperation.

All medications have side effects, sometimes serious, so only consider using medications if your dog’s SA is extreme, and continue to focus on counterconditioning.

These signs and tips have been adapted from Patricia McConnell’s I’ll Be Home Soon! How To Prevent And Treat Separation Anxiety (in Dogs)

Need Help With Separation Anxiety In Dogs?

I’d love to help. Reach out to schedule your complimentary phone consultation so I can learn a bit more about you, your dog, and what they’re demonstrating when left alone.

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