National Pet Obesity Awareness and World Mental Health Days

National Pet Obesity Awareness and World Mental Health Days

I’ll be the first to admit that I love a good evening at home on the couch, cuddling with Berlin and Bagheera, who perhaps, if Bagheera is lucky, are also cuddling together (check out the latest in this saga -HERE-). It’s good for our souls..but it doesn’t complete the picture.

Our days also consist of walks, play time, and other day-to-day routines. I consciously think about our purpose everyday and what can help us live this life together as long as possible.

This always comes back to our physical and mental health and how they intertwine with each other.

If I’m feeling anxious, it’s amazing what a good walk with Berlin with do for my spirits. If I’m overwhelmed, a good play time with Bagheera is sure to put a smile on my face. And I’m in tune to their needs as well, providing cuddles, activity, or sometimes even space as requested through their body language and behavior changes.

Given how our mental and physical health are connected, is it a coincidence that National Pet Obesity Awareness Day and World Mental Health Day are in the same week? I think not.

With this in mind, I wanted to share with you an alarming statistic as well as how to determine if your pet is at their ideal weight. But first, a reminder of the benefits of physical activity.

Benefits Of Physical Activity

Increase your chance to live longer

Improve your mental health

Reduce your risk of heart disease

Reduce your risk of cancer

Strengthen your bones and muscles

Reduce your risk of diabetes

Control your weight

Improve your ability to do activities

Benefits Of Physical Activity

Ideal Dog Weight

Before I share with you how to determine if your pet is at their ideal weight, which can be achieved through a good diet and physical activity, here is that frightening statistic: 

Ideal Pet Weight — Preventing Pet Obesity

So, how can you determine if your dog is at their ideal weight? Here are some guidelines:

Top Profile

Looking down at your dog/cat from directly overhead, their outline should taper between their ribs and hips.

Side Profile

From the side, there should be a tuck-up towards the groin after your dog/cat's ribs. That said, it’s natural for cats to have a small pooch that helps them maneuver (jumping, etc).


You should be able to easily feel your dog/cat's ribs, though they might not be visible.

Purina Canine Body Condition System

If you aren’t sure if your dog (or cat) is at a healthy weight, please consult with your veterinarian.

Exercise With Your Dog With Feet & Paws

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Other Dog & Fitness Training Opportunities

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