Address Unwanted Ones
The AKC STAR Puppy Test is a non-competitive activity that is open to all dogs, including purebreds and mixed breeds. There are 20 test items that are included in Feet & Paws’ Puppy Kindergarten class, though pursuing the AKC STAR Puppy Award is optional.
Puppies that attend group dog training classes and pass the AKC STAR Puppy Test are well-socialized and have learned the skills that are the foundation for all other learning. confident, calm canines. AKC will also provide you with: a frameable certificate, listing on the AKC STAR Puppy database, and AKC Puppy Handbook, and a monthly newsletter filled with additional training tips.
In most cases, including for Feet & Paws’ group dog and puppy training classes, owners must provide proof of vaccines when registering for class. The test evaluator/trainer will also note if the puppy has been appropriately active for its breed and in good health for the entirety of the course.
It states:
I will be responsible for my dog’s health needs. These include:
I will be responsible for my dog’s safety.
I will not allow my dog to infringe on the rights of others.
I will be responsible for my dog’s quality of life.
Owners will email their puppy’s exercise plan to the test evaluator/trainer no later than one week before the last class. The test evaluator/trainer will provide feedback and conduct a class discussion regarding how to ensure puppies get adequate, safe exercise.
Enrolling in a puppy class is not enough. Owners and their puppies must attend at least 6 classes (it’s acceptable that the first class be humans only). If there is an illness, etc, the test evaluator/trainer can coordinate with the owner to plan a make-up class or assignment, which must be completed by the last class of the course.
Owner has potty bags and cleans up after their puppy at all classes. If the test evaluator/trainer is not sure if someone has a bag, they can ask to see everyone’s bags. When there is an accident, the test evaluator/trainer will observe to make sure the owner cleans up after their puppy.
Owner has some form of identification in the form of a collar tag, microchip, or tattoo for their puppy.
The puppy is not aggressive toward humans, both in class as observed by the test evaluator/trainer throughout the entirety of the course along with the owner’s report of the dog’s behavior outside of class.
In cases where a puppy is aggressive, test evaluator/trainer will work to help the owner to solve the problem. If the problem is beyond what the test evaluator/trainer can address in a group class, private lessons or referral to another canine professional may be the most appropriate solution.
The puppy is not aggressive toward puppies, both in class as observed by the test evaluator/trainer throughout the entirety of the course along with the owner’s report of the dog’s behavior outside of class.
In cases where a puppy is aggressive, test evaluator/trainer will work to help the owner to solve the problem. If the problem is beyond what the test evaluator/trainer can address in a group class, private lessons or referral to another canine professional may be the most appropriate solution.
The puppy will tolerate a collar, harness, etc. The collar type (including harnesses) may be selected by the owner and test evaluator/trainer.
For the AKC Canine Good Citizen Test, dogs will need to be trained well enough to work on a flat buckle collar.
The puppy tolerates being held or hugged by the owner.
The puppy allows owner to take away a food treat or a favorite toy. Puppies can try to hold onto the food/toy, but can not growl, bite, or snap.
The puppy allows a person other than the owner to pet them. Squirming and wiggling is okay, but any signs of aggression are not permitted. Owner may hold small
The puppy will allow the owner to briefly handle their feet and ears. This test item leads into the CGC item on grooming.
The puppy will walk on a lead to follow the owner. The owner will walk about 15 steps. The test evaluator/trainer may mark the beginning and end of the line. Puppies do not have to be in the heel position but the owner can not pull them along. Owners are permitted to clap their hands, make noises, and encourage the puppies to walk. Feet & Paws’ allows food and toy lures.
The puppy will walk past people who are 5 feet away. The puppy can not lunge at the people or excessively pull to go to them. Feet & Paws’ allows the owner to use food or a toy to distract the puppy.
The puppy will sit on command. Feet & Paws’ allows owners to lure with food. The owner should not be pushing the puppy into position by pushing on their hips to force their dog to sit.
The puppy will lay down on command. Feet & Paws’ allows owners to lure with food. The owner should not be jerking the front legs out from under their puppy in order to force the dog to lay down.
The puppy will come to the owner from 5 feet when the puppy’s name and cue (“Come”, “Here”, etc). The owner can get on their knees, clap and make noises to encourage the puppy to come. Feet & Paws’ allows owners to use food and/or toys as rewards for coming.
The test evaluator/trainer will present some distractions (e.g. pulling cart, swinging a shopping bag, dropping a chair, etc) 15 feet away from the puppy. Puppies can show casual interest or be slightly startled, but can not react with extreme fear, withdrawal, or aggression. The test evaluator/trainer will observe if the puppy has an acceptable response.
The test evaluator/trainer will ask the owner to hand their puppy’s leash to another person. The owner will walk 10 steps away and return to their puppy. Their puppy can show mild signs of distress, but it should not have an extreme reaction.
AKC has a registration fee for the AKC STAR Puppy Test Award, currently $15 but may change, which will need to be sent in with your registration form which you will receive at the last class if your dog passes all 20 test items.
Feet & Paws’ has a $20 fee, which will need to be submitted no later than the third class (which is the second in-person class).
The AKC STAR Puppy Test is not a requirement for the AKC CGC Test.
The AKC STAR Puppy is not a title. It is an award, and will not show up on AKC’s registered dog title record.
Test Performance
Puppies are not required to perform with the precision required in formal training.
Body language is fine (getting on knees, clapping hands to get the puppy to come when called, etc).
Age Requirements
Dogs up to the age of 1 year may take the AKC STAR Puppy Test. If your dog’s exact age is unknown, an estimated age of 1 year or less is acceptable for testing purposes.
You may talk to your dog and use praise, treats, toys, hugs, smiles, and pats for luring and/or rewards during the test. However, food, toys, and clickers need to be faded out if you plan to take the AKC CGC Test.
Harsh corrections are not permitted in the test, and not encouraged by Feet & Paws…ever.
If your puppy misses one test item, you may be allowed to retest them, at the evaluator’s discretion, after the other dogs have completed their test.
Feet & Paws’ puppy classes integrate exercises to help you and your puppy pass all of these test items. Don’t wait. Register for the next class TODAY!
I’d love to help. Reach out to schedule your complimentary phone consultation so I can learn a bit more about you, your dog, and your dog training goals.
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Eugene, Oregon